THE United States perpetrated such grave politically-motivated provocation as railroading the "resolution on human rights" against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) through the meeting of the 3rd Committee of the 69th UN General Assembly on November 18th by instigating the EU and Japan and setting in motion hand-raising machines through highhanded practice and political and economic pressure.
Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People (KCSWP) and Korea-Asia Pacific Exchange (KAPE) send this information, bitterly denouncing the railroading of the "resolution" manipulated by the US in an attempt to topple the socialist system centred on the popular masses, the system, chosen by the Korean people and which they regard as dearer than their own lives, as the most striking manifestation of the hostile policy towards the DPRK.
The "resolution" is peppered with malignant accusations based on such conspiratorial document as the "report of the Commission of Inquiry" on human rights situation in the DPRK, a collection of lies and fabrications called "testimonies" made by a handful of "defectors from the north" who fled or were lured after committing crimes in the DPRK.
The history of the UN does not know such precedence as adopting a "resolution" of its General Assembly based on a "report" hastily worked out without any dialogue with the country concerned and any visit to it.
The U.S. barely managed to garner votes necessary for adopting the "resolution" by whipping together hand-raising machines but not a few countries confessed that they voted for it under the threat of the U.S. and Japan to halt economic aid, not because of human rights issue. This clearly proves that the "resolution" was a political fraud.
The U.S. kicked off its "human rights" offensive against the DPRK in real earnest in a bid to invent a pretext for armed intervention by terming the DPRK a "tundra of human rights abuses" in the international arena.
History vividly remembers the Yugoslav War unleashed by the U.S. in 1999 under the pretext of "protecting human rights and a minority".
This proves that the U.S. is getting ever-more undisguised in its attempt to put politically-motivated pressure on the independent countries by abusing the noble issue of human rights in the international arena and interfere in their internal affairs.
Some countries of the EU and Japan acted servants for adopting the "resolution", disclosing themselves that their much touted "efforts for human rights" were not for a genuine improvement of human rights.
This time, the DPRK clarified its will to have wide-ranging cooperation in the field of human rights and readiness to actively promote human rights dialogue and exchange. However, the hostile forces finally denied cooperation and chose the way of confrontation.
This behavior revealed that the call of the followers of the U.S. for human rights dialogue was hypocritical and closed themselves the door of not only human rights dialogue but other dialogues and exchange and cooperation.
In the light of the facts revealed, it requires us to cope with the potential armed intervention of the U.S., as long as the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK persists.
KCSWP and KAPE judges that the adoption of the UN "resolution on human rights" against the DPRK is to tarnish the image of the DPRK and pull down the socialist system chosen by the Korean people, and asserts that relevant steps should be taken to prevent its recurrence.
We believe that all of you, who love the genuine justice and peace, will form an accurate judgment on the U.S. "human rights" racket against the DPRK in an objective and fair manner, and express our expectations the you will render your support and solidarity to the struggle of the Korean people to defend the Korean-style socialism.
Best regards,
Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People
Korea-Asia Pacific Exchange
US' Human Rights Offensif toward Korea